Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
New hobby
My mum ended up learning with me and now were both knit freaks... I've recently finished two projects of mine, both scarves and am currently starting my third one~ ^^
I wanna move on from scarves to hats now and probably mittens after that~ Lol.. But now I'm just gonna experiment with scarves first~ ^^
People in the picture: Daryl (standing),Fred (sitting), Sam, Raimo and Terrence (all lying down) and Patrick (the one with the guitar)
Updates~ 1#
It's not like there's nothing interesting going on in my life... There's loads of stuff going on actually that I haven't been able to write down everything! My life is just one big ball of fun and drama.. ^^
Okay... So... remember the pic of the two hands with a spade and a heart on them? That was taken when Unnie and I (together with Mar) were working on the layout for the Merdeka thing about 4 months ago... Honestly, I wasn't too thrilled about doing the layout, but it was the only way we could cut class without being convicted, besides we could fool around and do whatever we wanted... ^^
Below are just some of the things they had me draw up to decorate the hall... Not like I'm proud of it or anything... There are actually 3 but I really don't like uploading photos on blogspot.. It's damn annoying.... -.-
Anyway, I drew an Indian, a Malay and a Chinese... ^^ All the 3 main races in Malaysia... It's to show unity and diversity and crap... I know the drawings are a little too animated, but it was the best I could do under short notice... (we only started decorating a day before the event took place). The teachers seemed okay with it though... ^^
Sadly, I never got to see the finished product... I didn't attend the Merdeka thing cause it was intruding on my Saturday morning TV time... Besides it was dumb and we had to sing an equally dumb song...
I wasn't going to miss my show for anything... ^^
Monday, October 27, 2008
Second Thoughts
Driving all the way to Mile 4 seems like a waste of time and gas. So it seems to me, staying home and going online is the only option I have....
Now I have some Caroling stuff to attend to... The guys wanted to vote for me as a leader but I was like "NO!" All my brothers have gone through it... But I'm not a leader. I'm a follower and I'm proud of it! I hate taking charge of situations... Makes my life harder and just puts stress on me. I'm not good at handling stress and I have the temper of a bull. I'm definitely not suited to be a leader of a bunch of kids....
So they chose Roy.... I wonder if that's how you spell his name. He's a year younger than me but since he was chosen I bet everyone agreed! the thing is.... I'm not the only 16 year old in my neighbourhood you know! There are like 2 other people the same age as me, but apparently they aren't that qualified for the job (they're idiots). I agree though... They aren't they best candidates... ^^''
They asked me to attend a practice today though... ^^ At least they're being friendly... Or is it because they need me? Lol... And I saw Daryl shirtless today.... O_O Kinda taken back by the image... It's not that he doesn't look good... He looked.... Waaa~~ He became a man~ kekeke~

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wish List
I like guys clothes.... Their styles are simple and uncomplicated and comfortable... ^^
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Career Talk
They were Sung Siew, St. Michael, St. Mary's Boys and St. Cecilia Convent. The talk itself was interesting, but because the screen was so tiny, the people in the back (including me) couldn't even make out the writing. I was squinting and I couldn't see... Though, I am wearing glasses so that must be one reason. [Note to self: Get eyes checked].
We also had foreigners come to our school to give talks. There were 5 but only 4 gave talks to us. They were from Denmark, 2 women and 2 (incredibly handsome) men. Keke~ Obviously the girls were all ogling at the men (cause they were super hot). I find it interesting at how fast convent school girls swarm at every guy that comes within 5 feet of them. 3 feet and you'd probably be seeing them getting seisures. Fortunately, I am not one of those girls. Honestly, the experience was nice and they were hot, but I was more interested in Denmark.
From what I heard, Denmark is a place with a lot of free stuff provided by the government, cold winters (below 0) and high taxes. The free stuff must be balanced by the taxes I guess... But the Danish (is that right?) government handles any education fees that you have... So that means free education and huge benefits. I quote "As long as we have education..."
My mouth literally dropped open at the statement. I mean, that's a cool thing! Imagine if Malaysia had those type of policies! Everyone would be educated and people who couldn't afford education could easily send their kids to school! I don't want to think about the negative side of it, I'm quite happy with the image in my head. All fluffy and nice...
They left soon after their talk. They took many pictures with everyone but frankly I wasn't interested. These few days, I haven't been interested in many things... My brain literally shut itself down after exams... We haven't finished our syllabuses either... But that's another subject... The main point is, they were taking pictures with everyone but I don't know whether I regret not taking pictures or not... Lol...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Time to turn my brain off...
There's gonna be a career talk this Friday at our school and other schools are going to be attending too... St. Mary's boys school, Sung Siew and St. Michael.... Our school is going to be hosting it so we're all going to be running around this Friday.... It's in the afternoon, so none of us can go home and change. Were going to be in the hot hall, sweating and stinking up the place with BO.
I'm in charge of the PA system, I wonder who decided that because I have no experience handling the PA system... Of course, it's better than becoming the welcoming committee... I don't think I can wear a smile on my face for the required amount of time...
Honestly, I forgot all about this career talk until today... O_O Heck, I don't even know who is going to be giving the talk! All I know is Michelle (is that how you spell it?) is going to be there... I don't even know if the other Rotarians are going to go or not...
Hm.... Leaving that... I think I failed my Chemistry.... Add Maths is a must fail.. I couldn't answer most of the questions and just left them blank, including little smiley faces and words like 'Sorry, teacher.... I failed again' on the test paper... Wendy says that I got a 32... Wahaahahaha~ 8 more marks and I pass but still, I have no idea whether my mum is gonna be pissed or not. XD
Chemistry was a b*tch. I was bullcrapping the whole paper I think... I wouldn't be surprised if I got the same marks for Chemistry... Bet my mum wouldn't be happy about that... But what's done is done and the exams are now over... Whatever marks I get I can worry about later, right now I just need to turn my brain off and let it rest for a few weeks... XD
Can't wait till holidays!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Woke up without incident, went for a drive around Labuan, looking at the beaches and places and crap and even went to the local mall to buy some stuff... I got a new bottle...
Same brand as my other bottle... Love it.
“So what?” is one of my fave quotes and things to say.
Then as I said, everything turned sour.
It was time for dinner, I smelt ayam kicap from the room upstairs so I was like “Whee! Food!”
To my dismay of course, it wasn’t the food that I was hoping for... It was the smell of the pork dish that we had last night (which I really hated, full of fats and chewy and tough as hell). I ate the damn pork dish the night before and was determined not to eat it again. Apart from the leftover meal, my ‘mum’ had cooked prawns (boiled, I HATE THAT) and cabbages (which I HATE MORE).
I looked around the table and found that there was absolutely nothing for me to eat! WTF LA! I’m hungry! I KNOW my mum helped out in the kitchen, I KNOW she cooked, I KNOW she knows I hate to eat cabbages and can’t eat boiled prawns!
I felt like crying then and there...
All I ate was a boiled egg which was served with the pork. How sad is that?
She’s my mum, she should know that I need to eat something else. I bet she thought that I would eat the pork, but she couldn’t have expected me to eat ONLY that?! And even if she didn’t cook, she could’ve said something!!!! She’s my mum for goodness sake!
I ate my boiled egg and rice, drank my water and headed upstairs.... And while I was sitting there finishing my water my dad leans over and asks me, as if it’s the most NORMAL thing to do.
“Are you done?”
I so mad and betrayed...
So I just mumbled. “Ya, there’s nothing else to eat...”
Then as if I couldn’t hear them from the kitchen, he says in Kadazan to my mum. “What is wrong with your daughter?”
Stupid, inconsiderate, selfish, fools!
The worst part is, they gave me like a LOT of rice! What the f*** do you want me to eat it with?! You want me to pour my water all over the rice coz I’m sure it’ll taste good!
FOOD is an IMPORTANT matter to me! Even if I’m not hungry and there’s no food that I can eat I get really upset... I don’t know why, I just do. Everyone knows I’m picky and I mean everyone... I make it a point to say that I am picky and mention things I can’t and won’t eat before anyone offers me anything.
And my MUM, who has looked after me since birth just left me there to starve!
They even have the nerve to offer me bread and snacks as a substitute for dinner!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Merdeka Day Post Mortem
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Merdeka Day Celebration
Kat being silly during tuition
I've been gone for a pretty long time for a host of reasons. Busy with school work and tests to prepare for, lazy, no Internet connection, writer's block etc.
But now I'm back, accompanied by a whole new list of things to complain about. Haha~ It seems to me that complaining is the only thing I do when I'm writing....
This post won't be any different. As the title says, Merdeka Day Celebration, I'm going to complain about that...
Firstly, why on Earth are they celebrating Merdeka Day (tomorrow;20 September 2008) when Merdeka was like a really long time ago, like 31st August 2008!!!! It's stupid and inconvenient.... I mean, I understand the government trying to put some patriotism into the students but what respectable teenager would want to go back to school on a SATURDAY just to waste their time standing in a hot hall, singing patriotic songs about our country when they could be sitting at home watching TV?!!! Or hanging out with friends in Mile 4?
I'm not going tomorrow... Despite being a prefect, I'm rebelling... The teachers said that it is going to be a very historic day because a representative of the Prime Minister. I emphasize the word representative. HELLO!?!!! It's not the bloody Prime Minister people!? It's just one of his mindless zombies doing the dirty work that he himself wouldn't prefer to do. That's the truth... He's too busy ruining our politics to visit a little convent school in a little town.
Heck, I think I would do the same if I were in his shoes...
We did the backdrop for the celebration tomorrow... In my opinion, even if I did help do it, it's ridiculous.... ^^'' It's the teachers fault for choosing loony people to do the backdrop for such an auspicious occasion. Our class is full of lunatics, especially the front row (which includes me). Were the ones that keep the class alive and twitching.
Exams are in 3 weeks and I'm still not preparing.... Haha~
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Funfair & Yu Yuan Night
After that, I went to the funfair. FINALLY! Bern and I were really excited! Tagada was there!!! Wee~~ But the fair was empty and boring. If it wasn't for Tagada, I don't think anyone would go. Air Force 1 is out of the picture. Apparently someone died on it when the swinging part came loose. I don't know wether its true but since its not set up I guess it is... The best thing about Tagada now is that there is a guy that dances in the middle of the thing! He's sooooo cool! Ok,so he dances sembarangan but still, he even does jumps!!! I took a video from the outside of the ride but the next time I go, I wanna record from the inside~ Muahahahaha~
There's a rumor that Air Force 1 is going to be set up soon. But I don't know how reliable the source is so... I'm keeping my fingers crossed! ^^
Friday, August 22, 2008
Holidays are almost over~
The funfair is open... Finally.... I really want to go... Too bad that they don't have Air Force 1 anymore...They still have Tagada though~^^ I hope that I can go and hang with my friends!! Hehee.... *dreams of Tagada*
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Piccies of KL
Coffee Bean
As stated, I am in Coffee Bean at the moment, writing this post. Currently, drinking a pure chocolate non-coffee ice blend, sitting alone in a corner like some lost wanderer in an old fantasy story.
I am in KL right now. Yes, it's been a long time since I last updated. Initially, the hotel we were staying in, The Boulevard Hotel, is supposed to have Wi-Fi. But, not known by my father, we had to pay for the damn connection! So, I had to refrain myself for a couple of days from blogging. Until today, I couldn't take it any longer and I just had to go somewhere with free wifi!!!
And so, my journey takes me here. To Coffee Bean. My Saviour.
We left for KL on the morning of the 17th of August at 9.00 am we went into the departure hall... I had to make a U-turn back to my house because I left my damned handphone... How dumb of me... -slaps own head-
The journey from Sandakan to KL was along and arduous one. We took an AirAsia flight, which meant free seating. And of all places, I was seated in front of a stupid kid who wouldn't let me get a wink of sleep cause he kept on kicking my seat. I swear I glared at him and he finally stopped for the remainder of the flight.
The Boulevard is awesome and chic. I love decor and the feel the rooms give you when you first enter them. The rooms may be a little small than I am used to, but I still like it. The room only had a queen/king(?) sized bed for my parents so they had to get another bed in just to accommodate me. I'm sleeping next to the window.
We then went for a walk in Mid Valley. Boulevard is connected to Mid Valley so we just had to make a couple of turns before we found ourselves in the shopping mall. My fave mall by the way. I took a lot of piccies but I'll get to posting that later...
Had fun walking on my own. At least now I am finally old enough to do so. ^^ Heehee~ I didn't enjoy my second day though. We went to Bukit Bintang and it was raining. Damned KL weather. I got wet and that virtually ruined the whole day for me. And once something ruins my day, I ruin everyone else'sday. Stupid rain.
Bought lotsa stuff... And that's all I can say.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Pic of the Day
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Puppies Incoming! (II)
Random pictures
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Puppies Incoming!
This is 'Negro'. Haha~ Her hair is curly so we call her that~ She's the most laid back and is the 2nd biggest~^^
Tuesday, August 12, 2008