Some people decide on their New Years resolutions, days before the actual event. Haha... Not me... I've decided a full 6 months after the 1st of January. Quite late actually.
Honestly, I've never bothered with resolutions... I mean, why bother writing down a list of things you want to do or want to be in the coming year when you're just going to misplace the paper somewhere?! All you're succeeding in is incresing the amount of trees being cut down just do write your dumb resolution. Ok, ok so some people might take this New Years resolution thing seriously. But how many?
How many actually take the time to sit down and read what they had written and actually take the necessary steps to achieve them? I'm not one of them that's for sure... Before at least.
Something came about that made me want to change my ways. Change my perspective and try to restrict my horizon rather than broaden it. Cause I've learnt that my brain works in peculiar ways. If I know too much, my brain automatically turns off and I just focus on the weaknesses of anyone else who's IQs aren't up to par. Bad habit right? It's this bad habit that brought on my unavoidable downfall. That and the fact that I have the will power of an Amoeba.
Our school had just handed out our first semester report cards, I don't know how many weeks ago. Riding in the car with my mum knowing that I have failed the exams was really awkward. Honestly, and I'm not trying to brag or anything, I've never failed an examination before.... Ever.... In my entire life. Well, at least during my high school years anyway. I've failed tests before,mostly Add Maths the Devils subject. Additional Mathematics is the root of this problem, but I've never faced a problem to this extent... I only got 33% for the subject. How sad is that?
I entered the classroom with my mum, we waited for our turn. I actually, already knew my class ranking. I got number 12... A whole new low for me. I've never been in the top 20 spot before... During my time in high school, I have never gotten this low in the rankings. I've always been top 10 but I guess now, I can't even say that. Needless to say, my mum wasn't at all happy with me. I wasn't happy with myself either.
As we left the school grounds and made our way across the overhead bridge, a heavy feeling started to form inside of me. It felt like my heart was being squeezed painfully. I realised that it was the desire to do better. To not fail again.
I went into the car, the feeling in my chest not leaving, like a parasite eating away at me from the inside out. I decided then and there to try better in the second semester and at least get top 10 even if I can't pass my Add Maths.
Not to brag or anything, but I have been making some progress in areas concerning homework and attention span during classes. I've made an effort to prepare for tests, finish homework and not fall asleep during class, which is still posing as a problem for me. No matter how early I went to bed the night before.
Anyway, if I can keep this up then, I hope to see the fruits of my labour this coming year end...~
Wish me luck!
Honestly, I've never bothered with resolutions... I mean, why bother writing down a list of things you want to do or want to be in the coming year when you're just going to misplace the paper somewhere?! All you're succeeding in is incresing the amount of trees being cut down just do write your dumb resolution. Ok, ok so some people might take this New Years resolution thing seriously. But how many?
How many actually take the time to sit down and read what they had written and actually take the necessary steps to achieve them? I'm not one of them that's for sure... Before at least.
Something came about that made me want to change my ways. Change my perspective and try to restrict my horizon rather than broaden it. Cause I've learnt that my brain works in peculiar ways. If I know too much, my brain automatically turns off and I just focus on the weaknesses of anyone else who's IQs aren't up to par. Bad habit right? It's this bad habit that brought on my unavoidable downfall. That and the fact that I have the will power of an Amoeba.
Our school had just handed out our first semester report cards, I don't know how many weeks ago. Riding in the car with my mum knowing that I have failed the exams was really awkward. Honestly, and I'm not trying to brag or anything, I've never failed an examination before.... Ever.... In my entire life. Well, at least during my high school years anyway. I've failed tests before,mostly Add Maths the Devils subject. Additional Mathematics is the root of this problem, but I've never faced a problem to this extent... I only got 33% for the subject. How sad is that?
I entered the classroom with my mum, we waited for our turn. I actually, already knew my class ranking. I got number 12... A whole new low for me. I've never been in the top 20 spot before... During my time in high school, I have never gotten this low in the rankings. I've always been top 10 but I guess now, I can't even say that. Needless to say, my mum wasn't at all happy with me. I wasn't happy with myself either.
As we left the school grounds and made our way across the overhead bridge, a heavy feeling started to form inside of me. It felt like my heart was being squeezed painfully. I realised that it was the desire to do better. To not fail again.
I went into the car, the feeling in my chest not leaving, like a parasite eating away at me from the inside out. I decided then and there to try better in the second semester and at least get top 10 even if I can't pass my Add Maths.
Not to brag or anything, but I have been making some progress in areas concerning homework and attention span during classes. I've made an effort to prepare for tests, finish homework and not fall asleep during class, which is still posing as a problem for me. No matter how early I went to bed the night before.
Anyway, if I can keep this up then, I hope to see the fruits of my labour this coming year end...~
Wish me luck!
Haha~ Adorable piccie btw
hahaha thank you.
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