Honestly, I don't understand why teens are so stressed nowadays. In the past it seems that teens were the most laid back people in the community. They might not be as innocent as children or as wise as the adults, but they're growing and learning.
I know that one's intelligence quotient is very important, especially in the world today where you need certain qualifications to get a high paying job and everything. But the process to achieve this intelligence is a hard fought one full of twists and turns. I, in particular, am having a really hard time staying with my schools curriculum. It's not that I don't want to study. As a matter of fact, I'm hungry for information. I'm also not saying that the schools nowadays aren't giving and supplying the information that I want and crave. It's all there. There's just something wrong with how it is all presented to the students.
What I mean is, we have the information, but no way to express it to the students. I'm talking about the teachers. It's very hard to find good, motivating, uplifting teachers these days. In fact, I've never met a teacher that has ever inspired me to finish my homework on time. The methods of teaching used in my classes are very boring and extremely dull. All they do is just make me annoyed with the subject and just couldn't be bothered with it anymore. Some of the people, who might be reading this, especially teachers and parents, would say that this is the wrong attitude. Believe me, I've tried voicing my opinions out to my parents. They can sometimes understand and at other times they have no idea.
Parents and educators of today might say that the education system today is very lenient compared to the strictness of the schools a long time ago. You can actually say that were lucky as teens now. I think its great that some parts of the world have abolished corporal punishment, but in Malaysia, this type of punishment is far from being abolished. In Malaysia, only the boys can receive CP while girls aren't allowed to be hit. Personally, I don't find this fair. Even if you are a girl or a boy, you should not be hit. Even if this is to instill good behavior and deter bad ones, what is most important is the foundation that these children receive. Since everything starts from home, parents play a bigger role in ensuring that a child can tell right from wrong and is able to make the right decisions based on this foundation.
I seem to have strayed from my topic. O_O
I'm unhappy with how the guidelines of education in Malaysia. According to my dad, it is compulsory for children to attend school. WE Malaysians aren't allowed to be home schooled. I want to be home schooled. I want to learn at my own space,without the stressful factors of school getting in my way. I, personally am having a hard time keeping up. Since the schools only have less than a year to finish their wide syllabus, the teachers often end up speeding through the whole thing without regard to whether the students understand them or not. After all, they're still getting paid no matter what grades their students get in class. Be it an A or an E.
This often results in the students taking tuition. Without tuition, I bet we would have a pandemic of idiots walking around our country. So, it's actually tuition building and sculpting the leaders of tomorrow. As hard as it is to swallow, it is FACT. I find that tuition is a form of home study. Since you either go to special centers or to a teachers house for tuition. This type of 'Home Study' is stress free and allows the teacher and student to bond. Some teachers are not able to open up to their students in school, but they turn into social extroverts once they're home and in their short pants and T-shirts rather than the batik, ties and heels they use to school everyday. Also, studies show that your mental state actually influences how well you are able to accept, process or retrieve information. So, compared to school where you are bombarded with countless assignments, loads of homework, possibilities of punishment and lots of other stressful factors, you could actually be learning more just by sitting at a dining table for two hours.
Also, tuition is a way to get extra money. But the effectiveness of the tuition session also still depends on what type of teacher is teaching. After all, what use use is tuition if you have an equally boring and useless teacher like in school?
I asked my dad if it was alright for me to stop school and be home schooled. Because about one quarter of the general information in my brain right now come from my parents. He said that it was possible, but it's just that the Malaysian government doesn't allow it.
^^ I'd probably be migrating out once I start working...
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