That is what I tell people... But the fact is...
I have very close friend.... I've been with her through thick and thin, shared my deepest and inner most secrets with her and have even let her stay in my house.It's so easy to talk to her, and I tell her just about everything! If that isn't a best friend, I don't know what is...
The thing is, I don't embrace this fact. I actually deny it. Even if she does say that I am her best friend, and as much as I want to tell her the same thing, I can't. Am I selfish? Or just shy to admit my feelings after denying it for so long?
I plan to tell her someday... But I don't know when... She deserves to know that I do appreciate her and love her for the good friend that she is. Deserves to know that I too think of her as a best friend...
I just realised this today and I can't get it off my mind. I feel so dumb not having noticed this earlier...
who is she???? O.O DO I KNOW HER!?
Haha~ Maybe... Maybe not
oi tell me bah
u dun have to worry... its a passing phase which appears and dissapears...
fuck just tell me
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