Saturday, August 30, 2008

Funfair & Yu Yuan Night

On Friday, I went to Yu Yuan Night with Bernice and her sis, Celine.... It was like a concert. The performances were good especially one of the skits they did. It was really funny. I'm not in the mood to go into details so just take my word that it was awesome. The other performances were just so and so... I didn't like the singing. And one of the skits was so emo it scared me. Literally, the whole hall was silent during the performance. It was horribly emo. The last dance performance was awesome though. Not really mouth opening but very good.

After that, I went to the funfair. FINALLY! Bern and I were really excited! Tagada was there!!! Wee~~ But the fair was empty and boring. If it wasn't for Tagada, I don't think anyone would go. Air Force 1 is out of the picture. Apparently someone died on it when the swinging part came loose. I don't know wether its true but since its not set up I guess it is... The best thing about Tagada now is that there is a guy that dances in the middle of the thing! He's sooooo cool! Ok,so he dances sembarangan but still, he even does jumps!!! I took a video from the outside of the ride but the next time I go, I wanna record from the inside~ Muahahahaha~

There's a rumor that Air Force 1 is going to be set up soon. But I don't know how reliable the source is so... I'm keeping my fingers crossed! ^^

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